A Track Scoring Function Development for Airborne Target Detection
Dae-Yeon Won*, Sang-Wook Shim*, Keum-Seong Kim*, Min-Jea Tahk** and Eung-Tai Kim***
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 13, no. 1, pp.126-132, 2012
Abstract : Track-before-detect techniques based on dynamic programming have provided solutions for detecting targets from a sequence
of images. In its application to airborne threat detection, dynamic programming solutions should take into account the
distinguishable properties of objects in a collision course. This paper describes the development of a new track scoring function
that accumulates scores for airborne targets in Bayesian framework. Numerical results show that the proposed scoring function
has slightly better detection capabilities.
Keyword : Dynamic programming, Airborne target detection, Track-before-detect |