Subject Keyword Abstract Author
Improvement of Lift Dump on a Fighter-Type Wing at Approach Condition

Soojung Hwang/Ilwoo Lee
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.33-45, 2005

Abstract : The 1/9-scale model of a fighter-type configuration was tested in the Micro-Craft 8ft x 12ft wind tunnel facility. An abrupt lift dump was found at a certain range of angle of attack under the pre-scheduled approach configuration. To avoid a probable unsatisfactory flight behavior due to the lift dump, various aerodynamic devices were suggested. Extensive tests applying the cutoff leading edge flaps, boundary layer fences, saw tooth and vortex generators were performed with flow visualization as well as force and moment measurements. Test results showed that the origin of the lift dump was caused by the secondary boundary layer flow separation generated from the strong interaction between wing and flap. Various solutions for avoiding the unfavorable feature were suggested with the merits and demerits.

Keyword : lift dump, approach configuration, boundary layer flow separation

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