Subject Keyword Abstract Author
Development of Monopropellant Propulsion System for Low Earth Orbit Observation Satellite

Kyun-Ho Lee , Myoung-Jong Yu
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.61-70, 2005

Abstract : The currently developed propulsion system(PS) is composed of propellant tank, valves, thrusters, interconnecting line assembly and thermal hardwares to prevent propellant freezing in the space environment. Comprehensive engineering analyses in the structure, thermal, flow and plume fields are performed to evaluate main design parameters and to verify their suitabilities concurrently at the design phase. The integrated PS has undergone a series of acceptance tests to verify workmanship, performance, and functionality prior to spacecraft level integration. After all the processes of assembly, integration and test are completed, the PS is integrated with the satellite bus system successfully. At present, the severe environmental tests have been carried out to evaluate functionality performances of satellite bus system. This paper summarizes an overall development process of monopropellant propulsion system for the attitude and orbit control of LEO(Low Earth Orbit) observation satellite from the design engineering up to the integration and test.

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