Subject Keyword Abstract Author
Robust Time-Optimal Control for Flexible Structure Vibration Control by Augmented Dynamics

Hyochoong Bang, Hyun Jae Lee, Youn-Ju Eun
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 5, no. 1, pp.19-29, 2004

Abstract : Robust optimal control problem for flexible spacecraft/structures using on-off type discrete actuators has been a subject of intensive research. Optimization by switching time parameterization can be used to minimize the maneuver time subject to equality boundary constraints. Sensitivity of the switching times with respect to modal parameters could be a critical factor degrading the performance of the time optimal solutions. A new approach for the robustness enhancement of switching times with respect to modal parameter uncertainty is introduced. A new concept so-called augmented dynamic model is added to account for the modal uncertainty. The proposed approach turns out to be similar to some previous methods, but it essentially provides some new results.

Keyword : No keyword

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