Genetic Algorithm–Based Scheduling for Ground Support of Multiple Satellites and Antennae Considering Operation Modes
Junghyun Lee, Haedong Kim, Hyun Chung and Kwanghee Ko
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 17, no. 1, pp.89-100, 2016
Abstract : Given the unpredictability of the space environment, satellite communications are manually performed by exchanging telecommands
and telemetry. Ground support for orbiting satellites is given only during limited periods of ground antenna
visibility, which can result in conflicts when multiple satellites are present. This problem can be regarded as a scheduling
problem of allocating antenna support (task) to limited visibility (resource). To mitigate unforeseen errors and costs associated
with manual scheduling and mission planning, we propose a novel method based on a genetic algorithm to solve the ground
support problem of multiple satellites and antennae with visibility conflicts. Numerous scheduling parameters, including user
priority, emergency, profit, contact interval, support time, remaining resource, are considered to provide maximum benefit
to users and real applications. The modeling and formulae are developed in accordance with the characteristics of satellite
communication. To validate the proposed algorithm, 20 satellites and 3 ground antennae in the Korean peninsula are assumed
and modeled using the satellite tool kit (STK). The proposed algorithm is applied to two operation modes: (i) telemetry,
tracking, and command and (ii) payload. The results of the present study show near-optimal scheduling in both operation
modes and demonstrate the applicability of the proposed algorithm to actual mission control systems.
Keyword : genetic algorithm, mission control system, ground support, visibility conflict, scheduling optimization, operation mode |