Subject Keyword Abstract Author
Analytical Performance Evaluation of Superdetonative Mode Ram Accelerator; Considering Influence of Aluminum Vapor

Kunmin Sung and In-Seuck Jeung
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 17, no. 3, pp.358-365, 2016

Abstract : In this study, one-dimensional analysis under the assumption of an inviscid flow was conducted for the experiment initiated by the French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL) in order to investigate the energy effect of aluminum combustion. Previous theoretical analysis based on the assumptions of isentropic compression and a constant specific heat derived by ISL claimed that the experiment was not affected by the heat of aluminum combustion. However, rigorous analysis in present investigation that considered the average properties behind the shock wave compression and temperaturedependent specific heat showed that the S225 experiment was partially affected by the aluminum combustion. The increase in heat due to aluminum combustion was estimated from the rigorous analysis.

Keyword : Ram Accelerator, Superdetonative Mode, Aluminum Combustion

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