Unsteady Subsonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wing
Yoo-Yeon Jung/Ji-Hwan Kim
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sicences, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.63-68, 2011
Abstract : Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing during fold motion were investigated in order to understand how variations or changes in such characteristics increase aircraft performance. Numerical simulations were conducted, and the results were obtained using the unsteady vortex lattice method to estimate the lift, drag and the moment coefficient in subsonic flow during fold motion. Parameters such as the fold angle and the fold angular velocity were summarized in detail. Generally, the lift and pitching moment coefficients decreased as the angle increased. In contrast, the coefficients increased as the angular velocity increased.
Keyword : Folding wing, Fold motion, Fold angular velocity |